The online archive is in the progress of being created from the excavation physical records. It is not yet complete and further material will be incorporated in this archive as the process of digitisation and cataloguing of the records proceeds.

Copyright (c) The Crickley Archaeological Hill Trust 1969-2021. The right to use, copy, distribute or otherwise disseminate this material is reserved to those specifically authorised by The Trust.

What’s in the archive

Please note that copyright for all of the material in the archive owned by The Crickley Hill Archaeological Trust, with the exception of the photographic archive, where the copyright is owned by Professor P.W.Dixon. All requests to use the material for research, or to copy, disseminate, publish or use the material for commercial purposes must be by prior agreement and permission of the Crickley Hill Archaeological Trust.

This is a considerable archive. About 9800 features were unearthed. Around 1500 large plans, and a further 2500 smaller feature plans were produced. There are well over 100,000 finds records. The photography archive is also very extensive. With this volume of material, this website can only provide relatively low-resolution versions of material. The high-resolution material can be obtained as a full download of the archive in portable disk format, on application to the Crickley Hill Trust.

There are five main sources of information in the archive. Details of each can be found by following these links.

Details of each of the postholes, walls, layers and so on found on the site (the features).

Plans of the site during excavation, and sections (cross-sections) of the important features.

Notes made by the excavators while digging, often containing interpretations of what was found.

All the man made objects found on the site were meticulously recorded and identified.

Photographs of the site, its features, and of the excavations in progress.

Details of how to access the archive are here: